Manchester To London Trains
The distance from Manchester to London is about 164 miles or 264 kilometer as the crow flies. You can make this journey in about 2 to 3 hours by train.
Virgin trains travel directly from Manchester Piccadilly train station to London Euston station in a journey that takes about two and a half hours to three hours. Fast trains make this journey in about 127 minutes (2hours 7 minutes).
Plan your journey and check train times from London to Manchester or vis-visa to see the best train and travel time using the box above. Just put in your destination (From Manchester ANY to London ANY).
The standard cost of train ticket from London to Manchester or Manchester down to London, is in the range of £69.00 to £399.00 return at supper off peak times to peak times respectively by train.
If you are really keen on saving money on travel or operating a shoe string budget, then travel from Manchester to Victoria station or Euston in London by bus or train.
You are guaranteed a fare of less than a tenner if you book on time. Go Megabus and save mega bucks! You can travel to London from Manchester from £1.00 on this no-frill bus and less than £10.00 in most cases.
If you are looking to travel in more comfort, and willing to pay a bit more, travel to London on the National Express Coach Service. National Express offers an extensive choice of coach travels to and from many destinations, including Manchester Piccadilly to London and more, but without the hassle of queuing at a coach station.
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